Records index


Welcome to the Gaggi Records Index. Below you will find indexed birth, marriage, and/or death records from the comune of Gaggi, Messina. Click on the hyperlinked year to access records from that year for Gaggi on FamilySearch or Antenati.

Gaggi Fast Facts

Gaggi is a comune in the Province of Messina. This small town sits on a hilly area along the coast and neighbors the comunes of Castelmola, Castiglione di Sicilia, Graniti, Mongiuffi Melia, and Taormina.¹

The name of the small town derives from Arabic Hagg and means “pilgrim“.² It was called Scaggi during the Norman period, then later into Kaggi, until it went a final name change in 1939 to Gaggi.³

Gaggi Records Index

Nati (Birth) Records

Click on the links below to access birth records from Gaggi for each year listed. These Gaggi records come from a repository on FamilySearch.

Note: You will need to sign into your FamilySearch account to view the records. If you don’t have an account it’s free to create one.

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Looking for additional Gaggi records?

There are many records for Gaggi available on the sites Antenati and FamilySearch. You can find links to some of the main repositories below:

Riveli di beni e anime, Kaggi (Messina), 1652-1815 (only accessible at a FamilySearch library)

Registri dello stato civile di Gaggi (Messina), 1820-1910

Stato civile della restaurazione (Kaggi)

Stato civile italiano (Kaggi)

Need to look at other indexes?

Our indexes are growing! Currently we have the following comune and villaggi indexes available for the Province of Messina. Other comunes and provinces coming soon.




Villaggi di Messina

Want to see more?

Vital Records

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