books and tea and flowers


Genealogy is a collaborative field where we share our findings with fellow researchers. I’m proud to publish my own contributions including books on my family, how-to’s for DIY family tree historians, location guides, and much more. This section will be updated periodically as new publications are released. Books are available to purchase worldwide on Amazon.

sulfaro book cover

[Book] The Sulfaro Family: How five generations of Sicilians survived through epidemics, war, and immigration

The story of the Sulfaro family starts in the coastal area of the Province of Messina, Sicily where multiple generations survived through famine, disease, natural disasters and political uprisings.

Through the descendants of Giuseppe Sulfaro (1838 – 1902) we explore the birth of global migration and learn what it was like to leave everything behind, board a ship to a foreign land, and start a new life in America.