The Highs and Lows of Genealogy

The Highs and Lows of Genealogy

It’s so easy to get swept away by genealogy research in the beginning. Everything is new, and usually the success of finding your relatives is high. The records are fairly recent, after all, and you can’t believe how easy researching your family is. Why...

ICAP Gen Progress Report

While I have been blogging every day for the past week I have also been spending time trying to get this ICAP Gen Accreditation project underway. It’s such a big project that generally I find myself creating lists upon lists to help manage all of these tasks....

Giuseppe Sulfaro

Today I took a little break from my ICAP Gen research project and did some research on my Nonno Giuseppe Sulfaro just for fun. I have a lot of resources on him, and thought I’d had everything that had been published with his name on it. Apparently I was wrong....

The Shortcomings of Genealogy and Updates

Sometimes the biggest barriers to genealogical research are the ones you can’t control. A few days ago I received an email from the Comune of Messina informing me that my search for the marriage record of Giuseppe and Giuseppa Sulfaro was unsuccessful because...

Research, RootsTech and Learning Italian

Yesterday I briefly touched on the need for a genealogist to be structured and organized in their research. Today I tell you how easily distracted and disorganized I am. Yes, I’m already contradicting my words. Off to a good start! The world of genealogy is so...