If they had lived, my grandparents Giuseppe Sulfaro and Maria Stagno would have celebrated their 71st wedding anniversary this Friday on the 14th of March. They only reached their 27th wedding anniversary before Maria died in 1970. Unfortunately we don’t have any wedding photos. But as I have described in earlier posts my Mum and I were lucky enough to go visit the church where they were married in Giardini-Naxos and even take a look at their church marriage record. But first check out this super sweet photo of my mother with her parents.
Giuseppe and Maria were married in the local church Santa Maria Raccomandata. According to tradition the bride’s father was supposed to be present for the marriage. He is not listed as one of the witnesses, but it is almost certain that Ignazio Stagno was there, as their mothers may have been. The only person who would not be there is Paolo Sulfaro, Giuseppe’s father who had died before he was even born. You can take a look at their full marriage record below.
It was also standard practice for intention of marriage be posted three times before a couple was married. For Giuseppe and Maria their first marriage intention was published on the 28th of February. Between this day and the 13th of March another two would have been published. This allows time for any family members, friends, or people in the public to protest a marriage before it occurs.
This is a look at what the church may have looked like on the inside at the time they were married:
Quite a difference from today!
The following picture is what the Santa Maria Raccomandata looks like on the outside today: